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Graduate M.Ed./Single Subject Credential Program

Education Studies (EDS) at UCSD offers a Master of Education Degree/Credential Program for those seeking a California Preliminary Single Subject Credential in:

  • English
  • Math
  • Science: Life Sciences (Biology), Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Science (Geosciences), or Physics
  • World Languages (pending adequate cohort size)if we are not able to have a cohort for 2025-26 and you are admitted, you could defer your admission to the following academic year, 2026-27): ASL, Filipino (Tagalog), French, Mandarin, or Spanish
  • History Social Science (not available 25-26, pending final CTC approval)

All EDS credentials provide preparation for teaching English language learners in a regular classroom setting.

The M.Ed./Credential program has four distinguishing features:

  1. Focus on equitable educational practices.
  2. Emphasis on the application of information technology and research-based practice.
  3. Preparation of teachers as reflective practitioners.
  4. Preparation of new teachers to understand the process and standards associated with National Board of Professional Teaching Standards Certification.

View the Admissions Requirements Checklist


The M.Ed./Single Subject Credential Program at UC San Diego is a 22-month program consisting of Educational Foundations coursework (SS-1/First Year) and a Professional Preparation coursework (SS-2/Second Year).  Students complete the Educational Foundations courses in the first academic year of the program and the Professional Coursework in the remaining 13 months.

UC San Diego students who complete the Educational Foundations (SS-1) coursework as undergraduates will apply to the 2nd year (SS-2) program as graduate students.

UC San Diego's rigorous program provides students with a more thorough understanding of educational issues and methodology with the added benefit of two years of in-class experience - considerably more than shorter preparation programs. This results in our graduates being better prepared, more experienced, and more confident as they embark on their teaching careers.

Sample Timeline

SS-1 (22 Month Program) Students
January OR February: Application Due (please check current deadline under Admissions)
September-June: Complete Educational Foundations Coursework as a Graduate Student
June: Advance to SS-2, M.Ed./Credential Coursework

SS-2 (13 Month Program):
January OR February: Application Due (please check current deadline under Admissions)
June-July: Complete Professional Coursework
July: Receive M.Ed. and Credential


The Final Application deadline is Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 11:59 pm (PST).

Thank you for your interest in the M.Ed./Single Subject Teaching Credential Program at UC San Diego. You must thoroughly read the Application Checklist before starting your online application, as many requirements are unique to our program.

Please note that the SS-2 program begins mid-June.  

*If you have previously been admitted as a graduate level student at UCSD to complete a Masters or Ph.D. degree, and attended at least one quarter of graduate level work, please contact Giselle Van Luit at to process a petition to be re-admitted to our graduate program at EDS.  You will still need to complete the online application and include all items required by the deadline, but instead of submitting and paying the application fee, please contact Giselle for further instructions.  

View the Admissions Requirements Checklist


Powerpoint slides from M.Ed/Single-Subject Credential program info session. 


Apply Now


View the M.Ed./ Single Subject Credential Program Brochure for a list of courses and sample class schedules

Educational Foundations Course of Study

For Undergraduate Minors and SS-1 Graduate Students

UCSD undergraduates planning to apply to the UCSD M.Ed./Preliminary Single Subject Credential Program must complete all the requirements for the Single Subject Educational Foundations Minor, the Math Education Minor, or the Science Education Minor (Note: Admission to the EDS Graduate Program is not guaranteed for EDS Minors.) View more information on EDS Minors

Graduate Students admitted to the program will complete the Education Foundation courses as a yearlong program.

Advancement to M.Ed./Credential Professional Preparation Coursework

Upon completing the Educational Foundations coursework, students are evaluated to determine their preparation and fitness for continuation into the professional coursework and student teaching program. An EDS faculty committee makes decisions concerning student continuation into the professional year of the program based on completion of all requirements, academic achievement, and level of professionalism in all aspects of the program. Continuation into the professional year is not automatic.

Professional Preparation Course of Study

The M.Ed./Single Subject Credential Professional Course of Study consists of ten professional preparation courses, plus a Student Teaching Experience which spans the full academic year. Seminars are offered in the evening throughout the academic year and address classroom management, theories of teaching and learning, educating special-needs students, and advanced teaching practices.

For more detailed information regarding EDS courses, see the UCSD General Catalog


Single Subject Teaching Credentials authorize the holder to teach in departmentalized classrooms such as classroom settings in most junior and senior high schools. However, a teacher authorized for single subject instruction may be assigned to teach in any departmentalized classroom (preschool, K-12, or in classes organized primarily for adults).

Students completing the M.Ed. Single Subject program will receive a Preliminary Single Subject Credential, with an included emphasis in instructing English Language Learners and will be authorized to provide the following services: (1) instruction for English language development in grades twelve and below, including preschool, and in classes organized primarily for adults; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English in single subject matter.

Single Subject candidates must complete the following credential requirements:

  1. Bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited college/university.
  2. Completion of a Basic Skills requirement.
  3. Passage of an approved CSET Single Subjects exam, or a letter documenting completion of an approved subject matter preparation program.
  4. U.S. Constitution Requirement. An appropriate course or exam is required.
  5. Successful completion of the edTPA (a Teaching Performance Assessment of beginning teacher competence).


International Applicants / Non U.S. Residents

Special Information for applicants for who are not US Citizens or Permanent Residents.

For an application to be considered for review, international applicants must complete the requirements listed below prior to submitting the application. These items are required by the state of California in order to participate in a Teacher Preparation Program, receive a teaching credential, and are considered part of our regular admission requirements. Please note: the application fee is non-refundable.

A.) Completion of all admission requirements as specified in the Admissions Checklist by the application deadline.

B.) Certificate of Clearance

If you are an international applicant on a student visa, a non U.S. citizen, or a non U.S. permanent resident and you are admitted into the M.Ed./Credential Program or the MA-ASL Program, please note the following: in order to be eligible for student teaching, all applicants must complete a Certificate of Clearance through the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The Certificate of Clearance application requires a Social Security Number (SSN), or an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). For information on obtaining a SSN or ITIN, visit the IRS website. All EDS candidates must obtain a Certificate of Clearance before the application deadline to be eligible for admission. Learn more about the Certificate of Clearance.

Student teaching is mandatory for EDS students in order to complete the required coursework and obtain a teaching credential. If a student is not able to begin student teaching, he/she will need to withdraw from the program. Applicants who are ineligible to obtain a U.S. Social Security Number or Tax I.D. Number should not apply to this program. If you have questions, contact your EDS Admissions Coordinator.

C.) Foreign Transcript Evaluation

Individuals who have completed college or university course work at an institution in a country other than the United States must obtain a complete evaluation of foreign transcripts, degrees, and other relevant documents. The complete OFFICIAL transcript evaluation must be uploaded into the application prior to the deadline for the application to be considered for review.  Foreign transcripts must be evaluated by a Commission on Teacher Credentialing approved organization. Learn more about Foreign Transcript Evaluations.  

Please note: the UC San Diego's Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPAhas additional requirements for international applicants. Please review their International Graduate Student Application Requirements.


The International Students & Programs Office

The Undocumented Student Services Center

Student Services Center, 5th floor, Suite 518


Program Costs/Funding Opportunities

Resources for Current Students

Student Resources

EDS Student Handbooks:

Professional Resources

Financial Support:


Tax Resources:

Teacher Residency Programs

San Diego Unified School District Residency Program

As a SDUSD Resident Teacher, you will undergo a school year of clinical teaching experience alongside a mentor teacher who excels at teaching math or science. You will gain valuable classroom experience and mentorship toward the transition to a full-time teacher. During the paid residency program, you will be earning a MEd and your Single Subject Credential through coursework rooted in inclusive and culturally sustaining pedagogy. Upon successful completion of the residency program, you are prioritized to be hired by the district.

Teach-Lead San Diego Program

For more information contact Dr. Chris Halter (


Sweetwater Union High School District (SUHSD) Residency Program

The SUHSD Teacher Residency project strives to recruit and support outstanding teacher candidates in math, science, special education and bilingual social sciences by developing their relationships with expert “Resident Coaches” during their required clinical practice of pre-service teaching..  During the paid residency program, you will be earning a MEd and your Single Subject Credential through coursework. Through regular collaboration and reflection, Sweetwater Residents will be prepared to thrive in their future teaching careers. 

Sweetwater Teacher Residency

For more information contact Dr. Chris Halter (


Questions? Please contact your appropriate admissions coordinator:

SS-1 admissions coordinator: Danielle del Rosario,

SS-2 admissions coordinator: Danielle del Rosario, (this option is only for UCSD students who are currently working on or have completed the Education Studies Foundation Coursework)

2024 M.Ed./Single-Subject Credential Information Session slides.