Alison Black

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In the past ten years as an educator, Alison Black has worked in a variety of roles, communities, and classrooms throughout San Diego county: special education instructional aide, CAHSEE small group and individual instructor for juniors and seniors, 8th-grade sheltered EL, general education history, humanities, and language arts, and board member/curriculum development leader for BeREALStudents, a San Diego non-profit whose mission is to empower youth through cultivating connectedness and school community with student-led initiatives.
Alison received a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies (primary emphasis in political science, secondary emphasis in world literature with a special focus on French literature) along with a multiple subject credential, single subject credentials in language arts and social studies, and a Master of Education (M.Ed.) with a focus on social-emotional learning from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). She completed her doctoral degree in teaching and learning (Ed.D.) from UCSD in June, 2016. Her research focuses on the experiences of military-connected early adolescents in civilian schools and how they utilize assets and resources to overcome the challenges associated with navigating their multiple cultural worlds. The study mainly focuses on social networks and the role they play in shaping early adolescent developmental and school experiences, especially for highly mobile youth, with an emphasis on social justice and differential experiences among subgroups.
University of California, San Diego, BA, 2005
University of California, San Diego, M.Ed. 2009
University of California, San Diego, Ed.D. 2016
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, 2009
English Single Subject Teaching Credential, 2010
Social Studies Single Subject Teaching Credential, 2010
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
West, G. & Black, A. M. (2020, Apr 17 - 21) Predicting Friendship and Advice-Seeking Behaviors of Military Connected Adolescents: A Social Network Analysis. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http://tinyurl.com/r8zyrx5 (Conference Canceled).
Black, A., West, G. (2020, March). Predicting Friendship and Advice-Seeking Behaviors of Military Connected Adolescents: a Social Network Analysis (Practical Applications of Mixed and Multimethod Research). Paper to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, San Diego, California (Conference Canceled).
Black, A. (2019, April). Friends are Like Flowers: How Military-Connected Adolescents in Civilian Schools Cultivate Social Networks. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Black, A. (2019, April). The Kids Are Alright: Eliciting Feedback in the Mixed Methods Research Process. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada.
Black, A. (2019, March). Friendship-Making: How Military-Connected Youth Cultivate Social Networks. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), Baltimore, Maryland.
Black, A. (2018, November). Resiliency Networks: the Friendships and Support Networks of Military-Connected Adolescents. Paper presented at the second annual meeting of the North American Social Networks (NASN) of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Washington D.C.
Warstadt, M., Black, A. (2018, November). Sharing Social Justice Beliefs: The Role of Social Networks in a Cohort- Based Teacher Preparation Program. Paper presented at the second annual meeting of the North American Social Networks (NASN) of the International Network for Social Network Analysis, Washington D.C.
Black, A. (2016, April). Military-connected adolescents in civilian schools: How underserved youth find support. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington D.C
Black A. (2016, April). Teaching for impact: Innovative strategies for today’s standards sponsored by the Education Studies Department and the Center for Research on Educational Equity, Assessment and Teaching Excellence (CREATE).
Black, A. (2014, April). Facilitating cognitive and social-emotional growth in the middle school classroom: An evaluation of the Empathy Integrated curriculum. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Book Chapters:
Black, A. (2016). Facilitating cognitive and social-emotional growth: Empathy and prosocial behavior in Osanloo, A. (Ed.), Creating and negotiating collaborative spaces for socially just anti-bullying interventions and innovations for k-12 schools. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Black, A. (2019, November 8). How we can honor veterans bu serving active-duty families. San Diego Union Tribune. Retrieved from https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/story/2019-11-07/commentary-how-we-can- honor-veterans-by-serving-active-duty-families
Featured in:
Neebe, D., and Roberts, J. (2015). Power up: Making the shift to 1:1 teaching and learning. Portland, ME: Stenhouse Publishers.
Reising, A. (2011). Inquiring knowledge: Reflections on inquiry-based teaching. San Diego, CA: San Diego County Office of Education Brown Bags: Tips from the Faculty Success Program: Writing and Work-Life Balance
(Brown Bag)
The Center for Engaged Teaching UCSD Presentations: Tools for Teaching and Research Communications
Project-Based Learning and Creation Apps Participating in Effective Teaching Course Design Studio
Participating in Effective Teaching
Course Design Studio
Awards & Grants
- Faculty Co-Chair for the Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Women 2020-2021
- Outstanding Dissertation Award, AERA Division E: Counseling and Human Development, April 2019
- Faculty Success Program Office of Equity Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Award, January 2019
- Elected Member - Chancellor's Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, 2017- 2020
- Golden Key Honor Society, 2015
- Travel Grant Awards Showcase, sponsored by GSA and the Alumni Association, May 2016
- Selected to attend the AERA Division E Graduate Student Preconference Seminar, April 2016
- Dean of Social Sciences Travel Funds Grant, April 2014