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Bachelor of Science in Education Sciences: Transforming Education Through Research and Practice



Our Bachelor of Science will provide you with opportunities to explore the complex social, psychological, economic, historical, political, and cultural issues that impact our lives. Our overarching mission is to provide the resources for you to combine interactive academic coursework, hands-on service-learning experiences, and a deep understanding about the relationship between research and educational issues. You will reflect deeply on underlying educational principles and gain the insight needed to become advocates for equity and social justice within our society. Students are guided to develop an understanding of research and theory within the realities of practice and to use practice to reevaluate both research and theory.

The B.S. in Education Sciences provides interdisciplinary opportunities for undergraduate students. Graduates are prepared for careers in the global knowledge economy, with opportunities to apply learning modalities and technologies in multicultural contexts.

Graduates may choose from career opportunities such as: 

  • Public Education
  • Public Health
  • Higher Education
  • Educational Policy
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Curriculum Development

Many graduates will pursue advanced degrees leading to teacher credentialing, school counseling, school psychology, speech pathology, educational research or student affairs/advising at the higher education level. 

To learn more about our major requirements: Education Studies Major Coursework Sheet

To see when our courses are offered: EDS Course Schedule 2024-2025

For course descriptions: EDS Course Catalog

Please note that our Department policy states that students cannot major and minor in Education Studies. 

Lower Division Introduction to Education Requirements

Students completing the major must complete ONE lower division introductory course as a pre-requisite to completing upper-division courses for the major.

  • Math 95. Introduction to Math Teaching (2)
  • EDS 31/Chem 96. Introduction to Teaching Science (2)
  • EDS 38. Explorations in Education (2)
  • EDS 39. Explorations in Secondary STEM Education (2)
  • EDS 40. Nature, Community and Education (4)
  • SOCI 60. The Practice of Social Research (4)
  • HDS 1. Introduction to Human Developmental Sciences (4)

Upper Division: Education in a Diverse Society Domain

Students will select ONE course

  • EDS 112. Urban Education in the United States (4)
  • EDS 113. Chicanas/os and Latinos in Education: Policy, Practice, and Challenges to Equity (4)
  • EDS 117/SOCI117. Language, Culture and Education (4)
  • EDS 125. History, Politics, and Theory of Bilingual Education (4)
  • EDS 126. Social Organization of Education (4)
  • EDS 155: Climate Education for Climate Justice (4)
  • SOCI 152. Social Inequality and Public Policy (4)

Upper Division: Learning & Development Domain

Students will select TWO courses

  • EDS 114. Interactive Computing Environments (4)
  • EDS 115. Cognitive Development and Education (4)
  • EDS 118. Adolescent Development and Education (4)
  • EDS/LIGN 119. First and Second Language Learning: From Childhood through Adolescence (4)
  • EDS 162: Building Equitable Learning Environments: Tools for Transformative Teaching (4)
  • HDS 120. Language Development (4)
  • HDS 122. Social Development (4)
  • HDS 133. Sociocultural Foundations of Human Development (4)

Upper Division: Introduction to Learning Contexts Domain

Students will select at least ONE course. EDS 139 (Practicum in Teaching Learning – 2 units) is a co-requisite course required for all Introduction to Learning Contexts courses with the exception of EDS 135.

  • EDS 130. Introduction to Academic Mentoring of Elementary/School Students (4)
  • EDS 131. Early Childhood Development and Education (4)
  • EDS 133: Counseling and Advising (4)
  • EDS 135: Newcomers in San Diego (6)
  • EDS 136. Introduction to Academic Tutoring of Secondary School Students (4)
  • EDS 137. Introduction to Discipline-Specific Teaching and Learning (4)
  • EDS 145. Arts Across the Curriculum
  • EDS 146. Mindfulness and Education

Upper Division: Educational Research Domain

Students must complete TWO courses in research methodology. One course must address qualitative research methods and one course must address quantitative research methods.

Qualitative Research Courses
  • EDS 102. Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Education Research (4)* Or equivalent course with department approval
  • SOCI 110. Qualitative Research in Educational Settings (4)
Quantitative Research Courses
  • EDS 103. Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Education Research (4) *Or equivalent course with department approval
  • SOCI 109. Analysis of Sociological Data (4)

Upper Division Focus Area Elective Courses

Students will complete at least THREE upper-division elective courses (unless completing Pathway 3 for Secondary Education, which requires a minimum of two upper-division elective courses.

EDS 199, Independent Study, taken for Pass/Not Pass may count for ONE EDS upper-division elective course. Elective courses may be from more than one focus area.

P-12 Education

  • EDS 111 Child, Family and Community Partnerships with Schools (4)
  • MATH 121A. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Math (4)
  • MATH 121B. Foundations of Teaching and Learning Math (4)
  • EDS 122/ CHEM 187. Teaching and Learning Science (4)
  • EDS 123/ CHEM 188. Teaching and Learning Science (4)
  • EDS124AR. Teaching Computation in the Digital World (4)
  • EDS 124BR Teaching Computational Thinking for Everyone

Education Policy

  • EDS 164R: Early Childhood Policy: Children, Contexts, and Policies in Diverse Societies (4) 
  • ECON 147 Economics of Education (4)
  • USP 104. Ethnic Diversity and the City (4)
  • USP 116. California Local Government: Finance and Administration (4)
  • SOCI 127. Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity (4)
  • SOCI 139. Social Inequality: Class, Race, and Gender (4)

Research in Education

  • EDS 120. Introduction to Design-Based Research in Education (4)
  • ETHN 100A. Ethnic Studies: Theoretical Approaches (4)
  • ETHN 100B. Interdisciplinary Methodologies (4)
  • SOCI 102. Network Data and Methods (4)
  • SOCI 108. Survey Research Design (4)
  • SOCI 122. Social Networks (4)
  • USP 125. The Design of Social Research (4)

Diverse Learning Settings

  • EDS 110R:  Early Learning Environments for Diverse Learners (4)
  • EDS 116. Equity Minded Education (4)
  • COMM 168. Bilingual Communication (4)
  • COMM 169. Deaf Culture in the U.S. (4)


  • EDS 180. Topics in Education Studies (4)

To satisfy the requirements for the major, lower- and upper-division courses must be completed with a P, C–, or better grade (except for independent study course electives (EDS 197, 198, or 199))

Senior Educational Fieldwork Capstone Sequence (3 Pathways)

Students will select one fieldwork pathway and complete the course sequence of the pathway. EDS 139 (Practicum in Teaching Learning –2 units) is a co-requisite course required for ALL Educational Fieldwork courses.

Pathway 1. Programs, Policy and Research

  • EDS 140. Introduction to Action Research in P–12 Education (4)
  • EDS 141. Action Research in PK–12 Education: Advanced Practicum in Pre-K–12 Schools and Communities (4)

Pathway 2. Elementary Education Teaching

  • EDS 128A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Elementary) (4)
  • EDS 128B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Elementary) (4)

Undergraduate majors who complete Pathway 2 will have fulfilled the course requirements to apply to the accelerated MS-2 M.Ed/Multiple-Subject Credential program at UCSD. Students will need to fulfill the admissions requirements checklist to apply.

Pathway 3. Secondary Education Teaching

  • EDS 129A. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4)
  • EDS 129B. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4) Enrollment in EDS 129B requires completing a double major in one of the approved departments (see below).
  • EDS 129C. Introduction to Teaching and Learning (Secondary) (4)

*Pathway 3 is only offered for Math, Science, English & World Language double majors (see below for approved majors).

Undergraduate majors who complete Pathway 3 will have fulfilled the course requirements to apply to the accelerated SS-2 M.Ed/Single-Subject Credential program at UCSD for their respective content area. Students will need to fulfill the admissions requirements checklist to apply.

Approved majors:

  • English: Any UC San Diego literature or linguistics major.
  • Mathematics: Any UC San Diego mathematics, engineering, computer science, economics or management science major.
  • Science: Any UC San Diego biology, chemistry, geosciences or physics major.
  • World Language: Any UC San Diego language, literature, or language studies (linguistics). Note: The major must be in the language the candidate wishes to teach.

If your major does not match:

If your major does not match, you may petition to see if EDS will make an exception to allow you to continue in the EDS 129 B/C course sequence without the appropriate major. Please be aware there is no guarantee of approval. You will need to complete the Subject Matter Competency requirement for the subject before petitioning, as it will increase your chances of approval.

Non-major Petition Process for EDS 129B/C:

*Note: We will allow you to enroll in EDS 129A as a non-major match, but it is the students' responsibility to complete the following process to petition for enrollment in EDS 129B/C, which are required courses for the Single Subject minor, Math Education minor and Science Education minor. Enrollment in EDS 129B requires an approved petition.

  1. Submit your completed undergraduate student petition form, and any accompanying documentation (i.e. - CSET score reports) to Danielle del Rosario at, no later than the Thanksgiving Holiday break.
  2. Danielle will forward your petition and documents (if any) to the appropriate EDS faculty for review (the faculty member may contact you to discuss your request).
  3. We will contact you via the VAC once a decision has been made.  If approved, we will authorize you to enroll in EDS 129B and EDS 139 for Winter quarter.  Please be aware this process could take up to a few weeks.

Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP) for Math & Biology

EDS offers approved Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP) waivers in Mathematics and Biology.  If completed to 100%, the SMPP will exempt you from taking the CSET for the Subject Matter Competence requirement. 


  1. Review the appropriate SMPP worksheet.  This worksheet will help you plan out the required coursework and monitor your progress in completing the SMPP.
    1. Math SMPP Worksheet
    2. Biology SMPP Worksheet
  2. Download/print and complete the appropriate SMPP worksheet, including any in-progress courses and courses planned for future quarters *The Math SMPP requires 2 graduate level courses (EDS 203 & EDS 374).  These courses will be completed if/when you are admitted into our M.Ed./Credential program.
  3. Forward the completed worksheet to Danielle del Rosario at
    1. It is recommended that you do this sometime in your junior/third year, but no later than the start of your senior/last year.  (It is helpful to have the worksheet as complete as possible when Danielle reviews it, while still giving you enough notice to sign up for and take the CSET exams, if you will not be able to complete the SMPP).
  4. Request a waiver letter on UCSD letterhead from Danielle.  (If applying to our M.Ed./Credential program, your worksheet signed by Danielle is sufficient).


Please note that EDS will only process SMPP waivers for current UCSD students.  We unfortunately are not able to process waivers for UCSD alumni or non-UCSD students.

We hope that you find this information to be a useful tool during your undergraduate career as you envision the possibility of completing the SMPP to 100%, so that when you apply to our M.Ed./Credential program, your Subject Matter Competence requirement will be complete. For questions please contact Danielle del Rosario at


EDS Practicum Course Policies

Education Sciences Major and Minors Fieldwork (Practicum Course) Policies

Service-learning fieldwork is an integral component of our programs. Through this work, you will have the opportunity to mentor/tutor and learn with/and from the learning communities we serve in our region. Expectations and standards are high for your behavior and professionalism both in class, during tutoring/mentoring, and at your assigned school/field site. As such, it is really important that all students follow these policies:

  1. You are not allowed to enroll in any practicum course if you have previously failed an EDS practicum course. Our practicum courses are listed here:
    1. Introduction to Learning Contexts Domain
    2. Senior Educational Fieldwork Capstone Sequence
    3. Partners at Learning (PAL) Program
    4. Minors in Education StudiesYou are not allowed to enroll in any practicum course if have been convicted of a felony, or are required to register as a sex offender. 
  1. Students who have previously withdrawn from any EDS practicum course should consult with our advisors prior to attempting to enroll in an EDS practicum course. 
  2. Complete all fieldwork site-based health and clearance requirements. Please note that at a minimum, we require the following to be completed. But please note that each school/field site might have additional requirements for students completing their practicum work:
  3. A TB test is required. Bring a copy of the results with you to the first day of class. You may receive your TB test through the Student Health Center. Please plan ahead - it can sometimes take several weeks to get a test appointment at Student Health. A TB test is valid for 12 months, however, some schools/districts may require a more recent TB test and additional screening.  You will be advised accordingly once you receive your school placement during the first week of class.
  4. Be up to date with COVID 19 vaccines and boosters.
  5. Complete all volunteer forms listed on practicum course enrollment forms.
  6. We partner with schools/sites in lower income neighborhoods throughout San Diego County. Estimate a 25-35 minute commute from campus to your assigned school/field site.
  7. Practicum classes only meet once a week so attendance is mandatory in all lectures and discussions.
  8. Upper division practicum classes require a minimum of 40 practicum/field hours. These hours must be logged consistently throughout the quarter and completed by the end of week 10. To complete your 40 hours make sure to reserve at least 5 hours per week during school/field site hours: approximately 7:30am-3:00pm to work with your assigned school/field site.
  9. Practicum students are not authorized to share their email or any other personal internet information with P-12 students.
  10. We strongly recommend Practicum students remove or use privacy settings for any questionable social networking site information. Parents or school/field site personnel who find your information offensive or inappropriate may request your termination at your school/fieldsite placement. 

Code of Conduct 

Please note that you will be asked to agree in writing to a Code of Conduct for our practicum courses on the first day of your practicum class. 

  1. Set up and adhere to a regular weekly schedule for tutoring/mentoring.
  2. To successfully pass your practicum class, you must complete all field work hours. You must complete a minimum of 40 field work hours.  
  3. Maintain consistent professional contact and communication with your host teacher(s)/site supervisors. 
  4. Respond to emails from course personnel within 48 hours.  
  5. Check your UCSD email/Canvas messages daily. 
  6. Plan availability for tutoring/mentoring/service and stick to that schedule whenever possible.
  7. Positively represent UCSD EDS--be courteous and encouraging; use appropriate language. 
  8. Follow your host site’s health and safety guidelines.
  9. Communicate immediately with your practicum course professor if you have questions or concerns. 

If you have any questions about these policies, please contact one of our Co-Directors of our Undergraduate Program, Chris Halter or Luz Chung.

Department Policy on Major Petitions

  • Requirements for the Education Sciences major that satisfy the Senior Educational Fieldwork Capstone sequences are firm and must be followed closely. All practicum courses must be completed at UCSD. 
  • Requirements for the Education Sciences major that satisfy foundations for the M.Ed/Credential programs are firm and must be followed closely.
  • Students majoring in Education Sciences are able to petition for two non-UCSD upper-division courses to fulfill major requirements. Petitions for practicum courses are not allowed.
  • Students majoring in Education Sciences are able to petition for a maximum of two study abroad courses to count for the EDS major electives requirement only. Courses must be pre-screened by the department prior to departure. 

Grading & Course Overlap Policies

Grading Policy for the Education Sciences major:

  • Except for independent study course electives (EDS 197, 198, or 199) and EDS 139, which are always taken with a Pass/No Pass grade option, students majoring in Education Sciences may take up to two courses, either lower or upper division, with a Pass/No Pass option.
  • To satisfy the requirements for the major, lower- and upper-division courses must be completed with a P or C–, or better grade.

Course Overlaps for the Education Sciences major:

  • A student may apply the equivalent of two upper-division courses (a maximum of eight units) to fulfill the requirements for the Education Sciences major that have also been used to satisfy the requirements of a minor.

Course Overlap for a Double Major in Education Sciences

  • Students may overlap 1 upper-division course between the Education Sciences major and another major. Per university double major policy, 10 upper-division courses must be unique to each major and EDS 139 courses (which are corequisites) do not count, so students can only overlap 1 course with our major. 

FA20/WI21/SP21 EDS P/NP Policy for major/minors

Study Abroad Department Policies

  • All courses taken abroad that you would like to request for use for the Education Sciences major MUST be pre-approved through the Department of Education Studies, even if you found the course through the UCEAP website or UCSD Study Abroad Office. Please submit the course list and syllabus for each course to EDS via the Virtual Advising Center or to
  • Approval of the UCSD Study Abroad Office APF form does not constitute petition approval for the Education Sciences major elective requirements. If approved, you will need to petition the courses once you return from study abroad and have a final grade. 
  • Courses taken abroad must be at least four units, UC transferable, upper-division (UD), and must be taken for a letter grade.
  • No more than two upper-division (UD) courses taken outside UC San Diego may be used toward the requirements of the Education Sciences major elective requirements.
  • Petitions are only allowed for the electives requirements of the major.

Resources for Students

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

PLO1 Complex Problems

The ability to understand complex education problems specifically related to equity in educational experiences through interdisciplinary study and collaborative inquiry.

PLO2 Research Methods

A strong introductory knowledge of research methods that can be employed to interrogate, support, and enhance education policy and practice in education towards more equitable opportunities for systematically marginalized students.

PLO3 Equity, Diversity, Culture

A strong knowledge of theoretical frameworks addressing antiracist pedagogy, inclusive pedagogy, equity, diversity, culture, and social justice in the context of education.

PLO4 Families and Schools

The knowledge to support antiracist and inclusive pedagogy, as well as equitable schooling for marginalized students and families and work proactively with schools, communities, and institutions.

PLO5 Research and Practice

The ability to apply research to educational practices and allow educational practices to inform research through focused coursework coupled with extensive fieldwork in educational settings.

PLO6 Technology Use

The ability to use technology as a tool for teaching, learning, research, collaborative scholarship, the dissemination of information, and coalition building among diverse learning communities.

Bachelor of Science in Education Sciences Alumni

Congratulations to all of our

Education Science's Graduates!


2021 Graduates

2020 Graduates