Makeba Jones
Associate Teaching Professor

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Dr. Makeba Jones has a Ph.D. in education from the University of California, Los Angeles. Dr. Jones' specific interests reside in school reform, educational equity, and urban education. Jones has expertise in areas such as the social and cultural organization of schools, student engagement, tracking/ability grouping, secondary school reform, educational policy, teacher professional development, school-university partnerships, high school to college transitions, and youth leadership/development. Dr. Jones has over 15 years of experience in design-based collaborations with San Diego county teachers, students, principals, and district administrators on a range of school reform initiatives. This design-based programmatic and evaluative work focused on school structures and cultures related to student learning and achievement, youth development and engagement, teacher engagement, student-teacher relationships, and college preparation. Dr. Jones has particular expertise and experience conducting youth voice research projects designed to educate school leaders about educational equity from the perspectives of youth.
University of California, Los Angeles
Education, Ph.D. 2000
University of California, San Diego
Anthropology, B.A 1992
Sociology, B.A. 1992
Jones, M. and Yonezawa, S. “Student-Driven Research.” Educational Leadership, Vol. 66 No. 4, pp. 65-69 (Dec. 2008/Jan. 2009).
Yonezawa, S., Jones, M. and Joselowsky, F. “Youth Engagement in High Schools: Developing a Multidimensional, Critical Approach to Improving Engagement for All Students.” Journal for Educational Change, Vol. 10, pp. 191-209 (April 2009).
Mehan, H. & Jones, M. “Trying to bend the bars of the iron cage: The possibilities and limitations of charter schools as models for successful school reform.” In H. Mehan, In, College's Front Door: Creating a College Bound Culture of Learning in High Schools. Paradigm Publishers. (2012).
Jones, M. ’I Need More Information:’ How College Advising is Still Absent from College Preparation in High Schools. Policy brief repared for UC/ACCORD. (2013)
Jones, M. “Youth-Led Action Research: A Lesson in Letting Go of Control.” In H. Lattimer and S. Caillier, (Eds.), Surviving and Thriving with Teacher Action Research: Reflections and Advice from the Field. Peter Lang Publishing. (2015)