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Marco Chacon

Marco Chacon

Marco Chacón is a Ph.D student in Education Studies at UC San Diego. He taught for 10 years in New York, Chicago and Kansas City prior to starting his doctoral studies, including high school and middle school history, Spanish, and psychology, and self-contained elementary classes. He earned an M.S. in elementary teaching from Northwestern University and B.A. in psychology from Washington University in St. Louis, where he subsequently worked as a Research Assistant, studying human learning and memory in educational settings. Most recently he served as a Data Analyst for Los Angeles Unified School District’s Strategic Data & Evaluation Branch, co-authoring a mixed-methods evaluation of cohort I community schools. Current research interests include education finance, curricular models that promote deep learning, and teacher well-being in low-income, urban communities.

Curriculum Vitae

University of California, San Diego
PhD: Education Studies, Anticipated: 2025

Northwestern University
M.S.: Elementary Teaching, 2010

Washington University in St. Louis
B.A.: Psychology, 2008

Chacon, M., & Raj, A. (2022). The association between bullying victimization and fighting in school among US high school students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Chacon, M. (2022). Teach about war like a Ukraine news report. EdSource.

Rentería, J., Pescador, O., Nakajima, T., Chacon, M., Guzman, A. (2022). Community Schools Cohort I short-term assessment. Los Angeles Unified School District Strategic Data and Evaluation Branch.

School Teacher of the Year: Frontier STEM High School, Kansas City, MO, 2017

School Teacher of the Year Finalist: Frontier STEM High School, Kansas City, MO, 2016