Zaynab Gates

- Profile
- Education
- Research
- Fellowships/Grants/ Awards
Zaynab Gates is a current Ph.D. student in Education Studies, UC San Diego. Born in Argentina to a Californian father and an Argentine mother of the Wichi people, she has been long drawn to issues of diversity, equality and social justice. She is passionate about the effect of quality education for historically excluded populations, in particular how it can empower their efforts to develop their communities. Her research interests include intercultural bilingual education, teaching literacy, in-service teacher training, and access to and the quality of higher education. Her research comparing two schools of the same transnational ethnic community located on both sides of the Argentinean-Bolivian border has been published by the Bilingual Research Journal. She received a BA in Education, with a focus on Learning Disabilities from Educares University, Chile and was the research lead for a USAID funded teacher training program centered on literacy in Bolivia, where she lived for 6 years. She obtained her MA in Social Sciences with a focus in Sociology from FLACSO, Ecuador. Her love for reading and writing has led to authoring school texts and teachers’ materials in Language Arts, used in private and public educational institutions of Ecuador.
She is currently a NAEd/Spencer fellow (2022-2023) and a Wenner-Gren Foundation Fieldwork grantee, conducting her dissertation work in Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina researching biliteracy practices for and with Indigenous teacher students.
2017-Present PhD in Education, UCSD
2013 - M.A. in Social Sciences (Sociology), FLACSO, Ecuador
2000 - B.A. in Education (Learning Disabilities), Educares University, Chile
2020-2021 ICE ‘Dumping’ – Documentation and Analysis of Immigration Enforcement Policies of Asylum Seekers in the Border. Chancellor’s Interdisciplinary Collaboratories Program. With Maxie Gluckman, Jessica Miguel & Paulina Olvera Cáñez. Researcher.
2018-2019 Nueva Vista Project: Research-practice collaborative between Vista Unified School District (VUSD) and UCSD International Center for Educational Research and Practice (ICERP). PI Timothy Brown, Shana Cohen, Amanda Datnow, Matt Doyle, Terry Jerningan, Alison Wishard Guerra. Graduate Research Assistant.
2015 Assessment of Scientific Research and Knowledge Production within the Ecuadorian Higher Education System. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education National Council (CEAACES), Ecuador. Principal investigator.
Fellowships/Grants/ Awards
Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grantee (July-December 2022)
Summer Seminar on Community Agency, Center for Resilient Communities, West
Virginia University
Doctoral Consortium Workshop, International Conference of Learning Sciences
Congress Grant, Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
2021 Educating Teacher Educators (ETE) Fellowship, California Teacher Education
Research and Improvement Network (CTERIN), University of California
2020 Education Studies Summer Dean’s Scholars Grant, UCSD
2019 Rodolfo Stavenhagen Recognition to best postgraduate presentation at the IV
International Congress on Intercultural Teacher Preparation and Education in Latin
America, Mexico
Pre-dissertation fieldwork grant, Friends of the International at UCSD (second year)
2018 Pre-dissertation fieldwork grant, Friends of the International at UCSD
Tinker Summer Research Grant for preliminary fieldwork in Latin America, Center
for Iberian and Latin American Studies (CILAS), UCSD
2013 Congress Travel Grant, Latin American Studies Association (LASA)
2012 Grant for field studies award, XIX Call for proposals, FLACSO-Ecuador
2010 Sociology program scholarship, FLACSO-Ecuador